This is the email I sent to Dr. Seidu last Saturday morning:
"Rich feels fine. He dosed this week at .5 tsp. We are still doing peanut flour. He dosed on Tuesday and Thursday with no problems. As he was dosing on Thursday, he said he had thrown up in his mouth on Thursday morning in class. He had only had a boiled egg for breakfast so it wasn't much. He said he felt fine.
Last night he vomited all over his bed at 12:45 am. He had Chic fil a, which he has always eaten (fried chicken strips, sauce, some fries, root beer, ice cream and several servings of Twix candy). I realize this is a lot of grease and sugar. He has enjoyed getting to try new junk foods, and just got straight A's on his report card so we indulged him (mistake). When he woke me up, he said he still felt fine.
Rich hasn't thrown up in around 8 years. He had reflux over 5 years ago until I took him off of cow's milk. He still eats cheese on pizza or Mexican food, but drinks mainly Almond Milk.
He is supposed to updose this weekend to 1 tsp. I figure we should at least wait until Sunday to let his esophagus heal a little. I realize the two times he has thrown up are after way too much sugar and grease. After the reaction (sneezing and nose running last weekend), I will always make him dose with a banana and crackers instead of doughnuts. The banana and crackers have worked every other time.
I realize there are two options right now:
- make sure if he eats unhealthy, greasy, sugary foods, he is only eating one serving
- put him on Prevacid or another med for reflux (he used Prevacid before - about 6 years ago)
I cannot say for certain that he didn't catch a virus at school, but throwing up a week apart is strange.
I hope you are having a great weekend! Thank you so much! We are so grateful to you for this opportunity!"
He updosed on Sunday and went to school Monday morning. When he got off the bus, he started throwing up. He threw up all evening. We gave him saltines and diet Ginger ale to help settle his stomach. Per Dr. Seidu, we started Rich on Prilosec. I am also giving him Zantac in the morning before school. On Tuesday, I sent him to school with a plastic bag in his pocket, emailed his teachers, and went into school to meet with the nurse and explain what was happening.
He has been fine all week until last night. He took his dose and an hour into his rest time threw up again. He did have frozen yogurt with a ton of sprinkles. We have to stop the sugar! After telling him "no" all of his life, it is so freeing to let him enjoy himself.